Workshop on Earthquake Physics and Applications of Machine Learning to Tectonic Faulting

18-22 Sep., Sala Baldini, Piazza di Campitelli 9, 00186 Roma

Organizing Committee: Chris Marone, Elisa Tinti, Paul Johnson,  Carolina Giorgetti, Cristiano Collettini and Marco Scuderi

Icebreaker Sunday 17 Sep. 18:15-20:30 at Anima Mundi Via del Velabro 1, Rome

Program and Schedule

Abstract Volume 

Posters and talks

Invited Speakers:

Whitney Behr, Nicolas Brantut, Camilla Cattania, David Kammer, Kelian Dascher-Cousineau, Jessica Hawthorne, Chris Johnson, Greg McLaskey, Zach Ross, Parisa Shokouhi, Daniel Trugman

We are pleased to announce a workshop on Earthquake Physics and Applications of Machine Learning to Tectonic Faulting to be held in the historic center of Rome. The workshop format will include talks, poster sessions and ample time for formal and informal discussion.

The workshop is focused on earthquake physics and applications of machine learning to earthquake science, including recent results from lab work, theoretical/observational studies of earthquake source physics, and field studies of tectonic faulting.  Our goal is to bring together domain experts in earthquake science with those from data science and other areas of ML. The physics of earthquakes will be a primary subject and we will also gather community input on the ERC project TECTONIC, the workshop sponsor, which is focused on the application of machine learning (ML) to earthquake physics.

The workshop will be limited to 80 people and will included catered lunches, poster sessions with wine and cheese, and a group social dinner. The registration fee will be €250 for students and €450 for others.

We invite applications from the scientific community. Unfortunately, given the limited size of the meeting we do not expect to approve all applications.  For the application, please explain your interest in the workshop in the context of your current/future research interests and/or provide a brief abstract and title for a talk or poster.

Application deadline is July 10

Acceptance notifications will be sent by July 20